Monday, February 15, 2010

No snoozing

We celebrated two weeks of being married along with Valentine's Day yesterday! These last two weeks have been wonderful. We have been enjoying each other. We have also been learning a lot about what it's like to live with each other.

For example, last Tuesday I was really tired. The previous night was the first night Oreo (Rafa's cat) and Hawk (my dog) tried to regain their spots in bed with their respective masters. A 20 pound cat and a 14 pound dog, two newlyweds, and noisy neighbors meant restless sleep for me. So, when the alarm went off of Tuesday morning, I hit the snooze to catch a few more minutes of sleep. Then I hit it again.

And again.

And one more time, just to be sure.

Unsurprisingly, this lead to both of us getting out of bed quite a bit later than we needed to. We managed to get to work on time, but not without a lot of rushing (including sprinting to the bus stop).

I learned a lot that morning. First lesson - When I hit the snooze button, it does not affect just me. Second lesson - Rafa does not like to be rushed in the morning. He feels better during the whole day when his morning starts right. I can appreciate that.

We're learning, growing and waking together!

1 comment:

  1. Your cat is 20 pounds?! Wowzers!

    I admire Bobbi's ability to wake up at 5:00-5:30 AM every day. I don't know how she does it; I have a terrible time trying to wake up at 6:30.


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