Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A few holes

Tonight I made the seating chart for the reception. I was sadly reminded of those who won't be there celebrating with us.

My dear cousins won't be there. Unfortunately, I just have too many! Inviting 20-odd cousins, their spouses and their kids would have doubled the guest list. Plus, asking them to travel from Iowa and parts even farther in the middle of Minnesota winter wouldn't be very kind. I will miss having them there to celebrate with me.

I will miss my church family members I wasn't able to invite. With a limited budget comes a limited guest list. I know they understand, but I hope they also understand that I would invite every member of The Rock if I could.

Cecy, Rafa's sister-in-law, isn't going to be able to come. She has been so welcoming to me and invited me into the family. I was really looking forward to seeing her (and eating her pupusas, of course!). Unfortunately, she is ill and will need to stay in Winnipeg, near her doctor.

I will miss those who aren't with us anymore. I will also miss my grandpa Mel. He was always such a source of joy for our family. Celebrations just don't seem all the way complete without him there adding his hearty laugh and giving us his bear hugs.

Finally, I will miss Rafa's dad, who I only know through the stories Rafa tells me about him. I am proud to wear a piece of what he left behind on my left hand ring finger. I know he would be very proud of the amazing man his son has become. I know he would be celebrating right along with us.

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